Childcare Concierge Service

“Happy Mama” Alisa Williams X GLDS

This offering was born out necessity and dedicated to the parents we serve, may you find the childcare that serves this chapter best.

$150 for lifetime access to the materials, plus your consultations for customized solutions

If you feel like you are juggling options while doing the mental gymnastics of budgeting career schedules, and driving a car into a roadblock at every turn-and wondering “how the heck does everyone with kids figure this out?” we are here to tell you, it gets easier.

Childcare in Pittsburgh is a racket- and we know because we have been there. Alisa is a career nanny who has teamed up with GLDS to bring you a unique hybrid offering that sorts through the BS and gets down to the realistic options for you and your family. This is offering is part portal access, part consulting with an expert on area options.

Unlike a nanny agency, we do not take a placement fee, but we also do not do the searching, background checking and additional screening for you. This portal and 1:1 consult time is to help empower you to find a solution that works for you and your family, while having the support, resources, and guidance to navigate it all.

So what comes with the service fee?

  • The Learning Consult- 1 hour consultation with Alisa on Zoom to learn about your family, what works for your now, what isn’t working (if you are just starting your search that is okay too) We will discuss what your budget may look like and what options may be good for you (as an unbiased party we aren’t here to talk you into getting a nanny if that isn’t the right fit for you) We will collect information on your family, help you navigate and understand current parental leave situations/FMLA, and what options you are open to so we can customize our suggestions on support we take everything we learn about your preferences and current situation and give you realistic options that may work- then we go a step further and give you the tools to execute it. You may learn about childcare options that you don’t even know about. If Alisa needs more time to research for you this is included in your fee, notes from this consultation along with suggestions are delivered to you via e-mail.

  • The Tools- Resources and access to our portal are going to make this so. much. easier. on you. Because let’s get real you probably have crunched the numbers, called the waitlists, asked your friends- and now what? We all know parental leave in the US is a joke unless you are with a massive company- and even then most people are left feeling unsatisfied with their leave. We want to make sure you are able to find a good fit for you QUICKLY! That is where the portal comes in.

    Things in the portal: THE Packet- which contains the 101 on childcare options, where to find childcare, agency pros and cons, word of mouth pros and cons/scripts, price point breakdowns of each option, budgeting spreadsheet to figure out exactly what your budget is for childcare, daycare tour checklist, nanny checklist, How to write an enticing ad to crowd source a nanny or babysitter, job offer template, nanny taxes 101, Background checks step-by-step, driving record step-by-step, nanny interview questions, checking credentials (how-to), contract templates, red flags and child safety, emergency contact fridge sheet print out

  • The Check-in Consult 30 minute consultation with Alisa on Zoom about a month after your first consult, and now that you have had the time to navigate all of the resources, decide on what would be your ideal situation, and locate caretakers or a care facility for your family- Alisa checks in with your family to answer questions you may have about proceeding with your choosen option. Some questions you may have- “What should I expect when the au pair gets here” “Do you have a recommendation of a good accountant to arrange payment for the nanny” “How should I manage food allergies at daycare” “Do you know of anyone available to support two days a week, we were only able to secure a 3-day a week spot” (we will happily share your search on our social medias which have a combine 3k+ local following as well)

  • Add consults for an additional rate of $65 an hour

Case study - Family Y -

Mother- “My partner had zero leave, and I was self-employed, I knew I needed more support and he was considering a job change anyways. We were able to craft a solution to assist with him “making his own leave” by getting a new job with higher pay and a starting bonus (which kind of acted like a paid leave bonus). He would put his 2 weeks into his current job at the end of my pregnancy, and tell his next job he wasn’t able to start for two months (this was because he was in a high demand position, he was able to look for his next job ahead of time). Getting creative and making his own leave allowed me to have the support I needed postpartum. When he went back to work, we did a combination of me working for myself still and cutting back to part time, and arranging childcare help on specific days. My husband works from home now Monday and Fridays, with a flex schedule so if he needs to help with our baby he can (thank goodness for his company!), my sister is off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and is available to jump in. If i need help Thursdays randomly I was able to locate a sitter Alisa referred. Then, my partner and I both agreed that I would work on my business mainly nights and weekends while he was with the baby. It isn’t perfect, but it works for us in this stage, and finding something that allows us both to make money for our family is totally worth it for me! I am so much happier now that we found a good working solution and not filled with dread imagining what life would be like if I had to either leave my business behind or budget for a nanny! (just not in the cards for us) I encourage anyone who is wanting to find a solution to childcare to reach out to Alisa to get help finding a creative option for your family. With flexibility and an open heart, sometimes there may be an even better option than you imagined! “


It all started when…

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